The largest SFW furry Discord bot, designed to keep your server fluffs happy and safe.
From bapping to booping and banning, Kettu does it all.
Social Commands
From bapping to booping, hugging and snuggle, Kettu has 13 social commands to keep your fluffballs entertained! Each social command supports up to 5 users!
Some of Kettu’s social commands, such as hug and snuggle, will also reply with an image! All of Kettu’s images are from a hand picked pool to reduce suggestive content. Every image can also be looked up with the source
command to return information such as the image source and image artist. None of the art Kettu uses is AI generated.
Kettu also allows users to set personal preferences! Don’t want to be kissed or booped? No problem! Use the preferences
command to set your preferences. Kettu will then let any user know you have opted out of that command.
Moderation Commands
Kettu is packed with powerful moderation commands and tools to help keep your server safe without a sweat. From bans, to mutes, to locking a channel or turning on slowmode Kettu has your back.
Kettu has all the moderation commands you expect, ban, mute, purge ect but with more power and control. Need to ban 100 members? Kettu can easily do it in one command, need to purge the last 50 messages from just one user? Yup, you got it.
Every user moderation action in Kettu creates a case. This can be looked up, edited or deleted at a later time. Cases contain useful information such as users DM status, reason, context, case creation date and more. By default Kettu does not create cases for actions handled manually, however this can be modified on a per type biases.
Kettu also has an anti-raidmode system that can be enabled either manually or automatically. Once enabled Kettu can either be set to ban or kick any new members, disable invites or no action at all. Kettu can automatically enable raidmode if a customizable threshold is met stopping would be raiders in their tracks!
If you would like to learn more about Kettu’s moderation capability’s we highly recommending reading reading our moderators guide and our command reference guide
Kettu also lets you set a customizable boost log messages whenever someone starts boosting your server for the first boost! Perfect for giving a special thanks or for giving instructions on how to clam special perks!
In addition to boost logs Kettu can also log when members join, get screened (agree to the rules or finish onboarding) and leave logs!
Other Information
When you first invite Kettu into your server the default prefix will be k! and Kettu will also be responsive to slash commands. If you choose to, text commands can be disabled outright, or you can disable slash commands with the slash default override setting. You can learn more about this here
To change Kettu’s settings either using the k!settings command or use Kettu’s dashboard If you would like to configure Kettu’s commands simply go to server settings -> integrations -> kettu and modify Kettu’s slash commands. Text commands will respect slash command settings.
Kettu is still in active development with many exciting features planned, if you have any suggestions, feedback or need support or help we would love to hear or help you at Kettu’s support server c: