Landra Discord Bot Logo

Landra Discord Bot


Invite Landra Bot to your server and use its powerful event commands to keep your server organized. Get started with Landra Discord Bot today!

0 upvotes in May

Landra Discord Bot Described:

A simple, organized, configurable events bot
About Landra

Landra was a member of the Guard and at one point the quartermaster for the Guard’s equipment. As of the winter of 1152, following Rand’s grim injuries, Landra was promoted by Gwendolyn to the rank of Captain of Lockhaven’s Defenses: a job which required her to track the movements and the expected arrivals and departures of Guardmice on their various patrols. Being incredibly pragmatic and organised, she made a natural replacement for Rand.

Landra is a simple event management bot for Discord written in Discord.js.

  • A simple, easy to use, user interface
  • Easy to set up
  • A clean, organised overview of all events and the people who have signed up
  • A customisable time offset (UTC+/-N)
  • Notifications when events start
  • Events can be scheduled as one-time, weekly or monthly
  • Cute emojis!
Getting started

After inviting Landra to your guild, run


which will post a list of all scheduled events. Members can interact with this list to join and leave events.

You can configure which roles can manage events and which channels will receive event notifications with the /config command.

Events list







Here is a list of all available commands. All commands are availabel to members with the Administrator permission. The following commands are available to roles that have been configured to manage events:

  • /post
  • /schedule
  • /remove
  • /update
  • /announce

Command arguments are denoted argument:.

All arguments that come before the | symnol are required, the ones after are optional.

Event commands

This command posts the events list. This will be the primary way members interact with the bot.


The buttons on this list allows members to join and leave events as well as refresh the list and change pages.



This command schedules new events.

/schedule name: date: description:  |  recurring:
  • name is the name for the event.
  • date is when the event will first take place. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm.
  • description is the description for the event.
  • recurring dictates how often the event should repeat. If this argument is not supplied, the event will only happen once.

You will have to refresh the events list to see the new event.


This command removes an event.


Once executed, the bot will give you a list of events that are available to remove.



You will have to refresh the events list to see the new event.


This command allows you to update an event’s description, name, date or change how often it recurs.

/update | name: description: date: recurring:
  • name is the name for the event
  • date is when the event will first take place. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm
  • description is the description for the event
  • recurring dictates how often the event should repeat. If this argument is not supplied, the event will only happen once.

Once you have executed the command, the bot will let you pick which event you want to apply the changes to.



You will have to refresh the events list to see the new event.


This command will remove you from all events scheduled with this bot.


This command will erase all your entries in the bot’s database. This will affect events in ALL GUILDS!


This command will post an announcement widget in the current channel where users can join the event if they wish.

/announce | message:
  • message is an optional message to include with the announcement.
Config commands
Config print

This command prints the current configuration for the guild.

/config print

This command is only available to members with the Administrator permission.

Config channel

This command configures which channels receive event and daily notifications.

/config channel action: channel: type:
  • action whether to set or unset the channel type.
  • channel the channel to configure.
  • type a choice of daily notifications or event notifications.
Daily notifications

Daily notifications are an overview of of which events are happening that day. Daily notifications are posted every morning at 10:00.

Event notifications

Event notifications are posted an hour before and when events are scheduled to happen.


This command is only available to members with the Administrator permission.

Config role

This command configures which roles can execute the /schedule, /update and /remove commands.

/config role action: role:
  • action whether to allow or disallow the role to manage events.
  • role the role to configure

This command is only available to members with the Administrator permission.

Config time

This command configures the guild’s time offset. (e.g. UTC+5)

/config time offset:
  • offset is the time offset to set for your guild

This command is only available to members with the Administrator permission.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Landra Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Landra to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Landra Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: /
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Kenzie#7945
Short link: