There are a list of commands this bot have !
Config commands
- setjoinchannel - Set the join message channel
- setleavechannel - Set the leave message channel
- setprefix - Set the bot prefix
- setrole - Set the server role ( exemple: Family Role )
- settag - Set the server tag ( exemple: LT )
Economy commands
- beg - pay
- deposit - withdraw
- roulette - slots
- work - daily
- weekly - buy
- sell - buylist
- profile
Help Commands
- help -funhelp
- modhelp -confighelp
- lovehelp
Love Commands
- angry - hug
- dance - pat
- kiss - dance
- slap - hf
- wink
Info Commands
- settings
- stats
- botinfo
- userinfo
- ping
- serverinfo
- invite
- support
And many more besides ! Feel free to use Legendary Bot in any purpose !
P.S. : The bot is still in beta and there may be some bugs, if you found one contact the creator !