Lemon is the secret ingredient to make everything taste better, even Discord Servers. It’s based around Ticket Systems, Embed server color formatting, Moderations, Fun & Economy, (you can enable/disable certain areas, easily contact support by using %con ). %help <#> Open help menu. %about Read about Lemon Bot & Lemon Support Team. %color Select your servers embed color. %ping View your current ping. %ticket info View your ticket info & configuration. %ticket channel Selects the required ticket channel to the channel you type the command in. %ticket category Selects the category for your tickets to send to. %ticket delay Selects the cooldown for users to create tickets. %ticket msg Sends this message to a created ticket. %tickets <on/off> Disable/Enable ticket system. %new Create a new ticket. %close Close a open ticket. %groups Look at the available permission groups. %permission Select permissions for groups. %variables View the list of all available variables. %con Contact Lemon Team Support. %coins/%coins <@ping> Look at yours/others balances. %coin give <@ping> Give the mentioned player coins. %coin take <@ping> Take the mentioned player coins. %eco <on/off> Disable/Enable economy system. %crates/%crates <@ping> Look at yours/others crates. %crate buy Buy one of your crates for 100 coins. %crate sell Sell one of your crates 50 coins. %crate give <@ping> Give the mentioned player crates. %crate take <@ping> Take the mentioned player crates. %crate delay Set the time cooldown on crate usage. (Work in Progress) %warn <@ping> Warn the mentioned user with a reason. (Work in Progress) %history <@ping> View the mentioned user warnings & reasons. (Work in Progress) %kick <@ping> Kick the mentioned user with a reason. (Work in Progress) %ban <@ping> Ban the mentioned user with a reason. (Work in Progress) %mute <@ping> Mute the mentioned user with a reason. (Work in Progress) %set mute Set the mute role. (Work in Progress) %premium Unlock premium access using token ID. (Work in Progress) %moderation <on/off> Disable/Enable moderation commands. (Work in Progress) %softban <@ping> Softban the mentioned user with a reason. (Work in Progress) %welcome channel Selects the welcome channel to the channel you type the command in. (Work in Progress) %welcome msg Sets your own welcome message. (Work in Progress) %welcome title Sets your own welcome title. (Work in Progress) %welcome image Sets your own welcome image. (Work in Progress) %welcome footer Sets your own welcome footer.
Lemon Discord Bot
Invite Lemon Bot to your Discord server and enjoy its awesome commands. Add Lemon Discord Bot today!
0 upvotes in OctoberLemon Discord Bot Described:
Lemon is the secret ingredient to make everything taste better, even Discord Servers.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add Lemon Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Lemon to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Lemon Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
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