Levely Discord Bot Logo

Levely Discord Bot

Invite Levely Bot to your server and enjoy leveling commands, leaderboard, custom banners, prestige roles, unlockable emojis and more. Discord bot made easy!

0 upvotes in February

Levely Discord Bot Described:

An easy-to-use leveling bot with leaderboard, custom banners, prestige roles, unlockable emojis, multipliers and configurable restrictions.

Levely is an advanced leveling discord bot, allowing Server Owners and Admins to fully manage and customize a comprehensive leveling system in their own discord guild. It has many delightful features including prestige roles, unlockable emojis and multiplier roles. Levely also has among otherthings a customizable banner with configurable fonts.

  • /profile
    Check out your profile statistics.
  • /import
    Import from other discord bots like Mee6 and others.
  • /leaderboard
    Check out the top members in the discord servers level.
  • /settings
    Setup your servers banners, rewards, and other things.
  • /manage
    Manage users XP/Levels.
  • /setup
    Quick solution for setting up Levely within 30 seconds.
  • /opt
    Opt in or out of Levely storing your data.
  • /language
    Change the bots language to your servers preference.

Q: Does it cost to use Levely?
A: Levely is a free to use discord bot with an optional subscription to have additional features (invite).
Q: Can I have rewards depending on the Level?
A: Yes you can by typing “/settings rewards” and setting up a reward like a role to be given depending on there level.
Q: Can I import to Levely from other bots?
A: Yes you can by using our handy dandy /import command.

The San Juan Mountains are beautiful!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Levely Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Levely to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Levely Discord Bot' on this page.

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