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Upvote Lightning bot

A multipurpose discord bot including Moderation, Economy, Images, Games, Fun, Music and more!

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Lightning Bot is a bot with Moderation, Economy, Fun, Images, Game, Utility commands and more!

Bot prefix is ;

Most of the commands available for Lightning Bot are below.

For More Information On A Command, Type The Following Command:
;help <command Name> or @Lightning bot help <command name>

āš™ļø Admin
addcc, addemoji, alt-config, autorole, bypass-alt, delcc, disablemodlogchannel, disablemuterole, fetch-alts, setmodlogchannel, setmuterole, svr

šŸ’ø Economy
balance, beg, buy, daily, deposit, fish, leaderboard, pay, rob, roulette, sell, slots, store, weekly, withdraw, work

šŸ™‚ Fun
8ball, advice, ascii, binary, clyde, coinflip, comment, eject, embedsay, emojify, fact, github, howgay, meme, memory, roast, say, snipe, status, urbandictionary, weather

šŸŽ® Games
connectfour, duelquiz, gunfight, rps, shuffle-guess, tictactoe

šŸ”Ž Images
ad, affect, avatarfusion, beautiful, cat, changemymind, delete, dog, dogfact, facepalm, fire, gay, invert, jail, kangaroo, notstonks, paint, panda, presentation, putin, respect, rip, scary, slap, stonks, tattoo, thomas, tobecontinued, trash, triggered, wasted

šŸ“š Info
avatar, botinfo, channelinfo, djsdocs, invitations, roleinfo, rolememberinfo, screenshot, serverav, serverinfo, twitter, whois, wikipedia

šŸ”§ Mod
ban, deafen, hackban, kick, lock, lockdown, mute, purge, resetwarns, roleadd, roledel, setnick, show-warns, slowmode, tempban, unban, undeafen, unlock, unmute, vcmove, warn

šŸ¤– Utility
corona, help, leaderboard-rank, ping, poll, rank, removeafk, setafk, uptime

šŸŽ¶ Music
mhelp, bassboost, clear, disconnect, grab, loop, loopqueue, lyrics, nowplaying, pause, play, queue, remove, resume, search, seek, shuffle, skipto, volume, youtube
More commands are going to be added every now and then! Check our website to stay updated about the commands

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.