Logo for LTC Tickets

Upvote LTC Tickets

This is my new music bot that will play any youtube song you wish for.

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Useful Things

help - Shows this message

invite - Gives you the bots invite link

Music Commands

play [URL / Song name] - Plays song from youtube

pause - Pauses the current song

resume - Unpauses the current song

skip - Skips to the next song

skipto [queue number] - Skips to a certain song in the queue

np - Shows what song is currently playing

stop - Stops the music

loop - Loops the current song

playlist [URL] - Plays a playlist from youtube

search - Searches for a song

queue - Shows the song queue

shuffle- Shuffles the queue

volume - Changes the volume

Need more help?

You can always join our dev Discord

Please remember the Bot is still WIP meaning its not fully done
so there will be bugs

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.