Loritta Discord Bot Logo

Loritta Discord Bot

Invite Loritta Bot to your server and explore its Fun, Moderation, Utility and Multilanguage commands! Get the Loritta Discord Bot now.

11 upvotes in October

Loritta Discord Bot Described:

Howdy, my name is Loritta 💁! Yet another Discord Bot — Fun 😂, moderation 👮, utils 📅, multilanguage 🌎 and so much more 😊!

Loritta GitHub Logo

⭐ Loritta Morenitta ⭐

All Discord servers have the same problems. Members want entertainment, moderators want automation… and you just want to rest.

Your life is too precious to spend your time with useless junk, let me take care of the boring parts while you have fun on your server!

With features to entertain and engage your members, moderation features to keep your server always safe and enjoyable, and with an easy way to set up but with an unmatched power of customization…

And everything thanks to a 16 year old girl trying to make the world a better place!

Making your server unique and extraordinary has never been easier!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Loritta Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Loritta to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Loritta Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: + (can be changed)
Servers: 3.2M
Users: unknown
Created by: MrPowerGamerBR#4185