Welcome to Lunatic Bot’s page! Lunatic is a multifunctional Discord bot designed to enhance your Discord experience. Explore its commands in various categories to manage your server, have fun, and much more.
Command CategoriesAdmin
: Customize the bot’s command prefix to match your preferences.
: Get a dose of humor with funny memes.
: Check the bot’s latency.botstats
: Get comprehensive bot statistics.guildinfo
: Access information about your server.userinfo
: Examine user details.
: Ban a member from your server.kick
: Kick a member from your server.softban
: Kick and temporarily ban a member.timeout
: Put a member in timeout.unban
: Revoke a ban.untimeout
: Revoke a member’s timeout.warn
: Issue a warning to a member.warnings
: View the list of warnings.
: Enhance your music experience with boosted bass.nowplaying
: Check details of the currently playing song.play
: Start music streaming.stop
: Stop the music.volume
: Adjust the volume.
: Get the full list of commands and their descriptions.
Lunatic Bot is here to offer a multitude of features for your Discord server. If you have questions, feedback, or need personalized assistance, feel free to join us on our support server at https://discord.gg/DgqHRX9 or visit our website for additional information https://lunatic-bot.app.
Lunatic Bot is your ideal partner for making your Discord server more entertaining and manageable. Invite it now and explore all its outstanding features!