Setup Instructions
- Have an account on MangaDex. Get your RSS feed link from or by right clicking RSS feed icon
and copying link address. Here’s an example:
- Run md!rss <RSS_URL> without the brackets.
- Run md!interval <number>. This is how often the bot checks for updates in minutes. Default is every 10 minutes.
- Run md!start in the channel you want to receive updates. Run md!stop if you want it to stop.
- Done! Message Austin#4912 if you run into any issues.
- md!setup: Provides info on how to setup bot
- md!start: Starts checking for updates based on set interval. Sends updates in the channel you sent this command from.
- md!stop: Stop checking for updates.
- md!status: Check whether bot is actively checking for updates. If not, run md!start again.
- md!rss <url>: Sets the Mangadex RSS url that you want to pull updates from.
- md!interval <number>: Sets the interval (minutes) at which the bot checks for updates. If a manual update is called, then it returns all manga updates in the last interval minutes.
- md!variables: Returns your RSS and interval values.
- md!update: Manually checks for manga updates in the last interval minutes.