Hiya! Nice to meet ya, I’m Marcel. Here are some simple instructions for how to efficiently interact with me.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
I work much like how you’d speak to a human in a normal conversation instead of just entering commands with a prefix and expecting an output.
Here are some examples of things you could say to me:- Hey Marcel, how are you today?
- Marcel, let’s see the weather in Denver, Colorado
- Marcel, play Surf by Hyper Potions
- Marcel, show me the status of the Minecraft server mineplex.com
All you have to do is send a message that contains my name and what you want me to do, and I’ll try my best to do that for you!
Here is a list of my features so far:- Avatar retrieval (Tag somebody to see their avatar too!)
- User Information (Again, tag somebody for their info)
- Magic 8-Ball
- Weather (Use quotations ["] around the location for a more precise result!)
- Minecraft server status
- YouTube music playback (play/queue/skip/stop/pause/resume/np)
- Fact-based question search
- Trending news stories
- Roll a dice
- Flip a coin