- A Discord Music Bot that can play YouTube Videos and YouTube Playlists in Discord VC’s
- The current commands are:
Name: .24/7
Description: Keep the bot in a VC 24/7.
Name: .suggest
Description: This command lets you suggest ideas for the Devs to add features that they find interesting.
Name: .help
Description: Get a help on a certain command, or just do .help to get a whole list of commands
Name: .invite
Description: Get the invite link of the Bot, Also get the invite link for the Support Server!
Name: .loop
Description: Loop a queue so that the bot will not leave the vc after a queue/song has ended.
Name: .lyrics
Description: Get the lyrics of a song.
Name: .np
Description: Get information on the current song that is playing.
Name: .pause
Description: Pause the current song that is playing.
Name: .play
Description: Play a song.
Name: .playlist
Description: Play a playlist.
Name: .queue
Description: View the current song and the upcoming songs.
Name: .rm
Description: Remove a song from the queue.
Name: .report
Description: Report a bug/glitch.
Name: .resume
Description: Resume the song.
Name: .search
Description: Search for a song off of YouTube.
Name: .skip
Description: Skip a song.
Name: .skipto
Description: Skip to a certain song by the number. [Example: .skipto 6]
Name: .stop
Description: Stop the bot from playing music.
Name: .volume
Description: Change the volume of the bot.