Midori is a fun-packed and pretty fancy bot that is meant for everyone!
🌟 Commands List:
- help
- ping
- invite
- settings
- welcome
- credits
- shop
- mysteryboxes
- emotes
- daily
💮 Main features:
- Welcoming users
- Customisable prefix
- Credits system
- Mystery Boxes (BETA)
- Shop (BETA)
- Multi-languages support
⭐ Setup/Welcoming usage:
- Set the channel
_settings setchannel
- Change the welcome message (optional)
_settings welcome setmessage Welcome to my server!
- Check to see if its working by running
_welcome jointest @user
If you ever want to disable it do _settings welcome enable
to toggle.
✨ Change the bot prefix
- Run the command
_settings prefix +
for example to change prefix to+
🎀 Customize to have YOUR OWN image
- Create a profile
_welcome register
- Edit the background
_welcome set bg
- To test it out, simply run
_welcome test @user
- Obtain more customizations via the shop!
✨ Earn credits for upcoming future upgrade!
- You will need a profile for this command
- Create a profile if you don’t have one
_welcome register
- Check your credits balance with
- Obtain your 200 credit daily with
- Check someone else’s credits with
_credits check @user
⭐ So what are credits used for?
- You can use credits to purchase mystery boxes to get awesome and interesting rewards from them!
- Check out the shop
for cool things! - To buy, simply run
_mysteryboxes shop
- Explore its contents by doing
_mysteryboxes open
and discover new things!
🎀 Change the language of the bot!
- Show available languages by running
_settings lang
- Simply change it to your language by running
_settings lang <code>
Currently seeking translators as well! Feel free to hop onto the support server to find out more!