Logo for Moddy

Upvote Moddy

A bot that has most of features for moderation, includes fun commands, currency commands, image manipulation and more! Bot is still in WIP

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**One of the most advanced Bots on discord

This bot has almost everything you would dream of.**

Prefix is fully customizable


!addcommand (cmd name) (message) - Add as many custom commands as you’d like

!autorole (@role) - Choose which role users get when a user joins

!ccembed - Make all custom commands as an embed

!delcommand (cmd name) - A custom command got this command can remove it

!leave (#channel) - Set a leave channel to say when a user leaves

!leavemsg (message) - Set a custom leave message check !variables to see how to mention the user, etc

!muterole (@role) - If not set it searchs for a role called “Muted”

!prefix (new prefix) - Change the server prefix

!setbio (bio) - Set a custom bio talking about your self, you can see your bio with !userinfo

!welcome (#channel) - Set a welcome channel to announce when a user joins

!welcomemsg (message) - Set a custom welcome message check !variables to see how to mention the user, etc


!logchannel (#channel) - Set a custom logchannel to log all moderation commands and other stuff

!logcreatedchannels (on | off) - Turn on or off if it must log created channels

!logdeletedchannels (on | off) - Turn on or off if it must log deleted channels

!logdeletedmessages (on | off) - Turn on or off if it must log deleted messages

!logeditedmessages (on | off) - Turn on or off if it mudt log edited messages


!ban (@user) (reason - OPTIONAL) - Ban a user from the server, will log to the logchannel if its turned on

!kick (@user) (reason - OPTIONAL) - Kick a user from the, will log to the logchannel if its turned on

!mute (@user) (reason - OPTIONAL) - Mute a user from the server, will log to the logchannel if its turned on

!nuke - Nukes the channel as it deletes the channel then clone it and make as a new channel, will log if logchannel is turned on

!purge (1-99) - Purge from 1-99 message, will log to logchannel if its turned on

!slowmode (time) - Set a custom slowmode, will log to the logchannel if its turned on

!tempmute (@user) (time) (reason - OPTIONAL) - Temporarly mute a user for a certain amount of time, will log to the logchannel if its turned on

!unban (userID) (reason - OPTIONAL) - Unban a user from the server, will log to logchannel if its turned on

!unmute (@user) (reason - OPTIONAL) - Unmute a user from the server, will log to logchannel if its turned on

!warn (@user) (reason - OPTIONAL) - Warn a user in the server, will be logged to the logchannel if its tunred on

!warning (@user) - Check a users warnings


!avatar (@user - OPTIONAL) - Check a users avatar

!botinfo - Get information about the bot

!covid (country - OPTIONAL) - Get status about covid and how many cases countries have

!customcommand - Check all server customcommands

!help - Get a list of the help commands

!invite - Invite the bot to your server, gives a link for the bot

!serverinfo - Get information about the current server

!setting - Check all settings from configs and logs

!stats - Check the stats of the bot

!userinfo (@user - OPTIONAL) - Check information about the user, you can also see there bio

!variable - Check all variables for the welcome and leave custom messaes

!weather (country) - Check the weather in a certain country


!balance (@user - OPTIONAL) - Check your or someone elses balance

!deposit (amount | all | max) - Deposit an amount of money to your bank

!leaderboard - Check the servers leaderboard and who is the richest

!pay (@user) (amount) - Give some money to a certain user

!rob (@user) - Rob some money from someone. But be careful you might get caught

!search - Search in places for money

!start - To start using the economy commands

!withdraw (amount) - Withdraw some money from your bank

!work - Start working and get some money


!8ball (question) - Ask the bot a question and get answers

!animememe - Get a meme about anime

!cat - Get a cute cat picture

!dog - Get a cute dog pictures

!duck - Get a cute duck pictures

!foodporn - Get some picture of some yummy food

!howgay - Check how gay someone is (This is a joke command so please dont get offended)

!howsimp - Check how much of a simp someone is

!meme - Get a random funny meme

!pp - Check the size of someones pp

!snipe - Check the most recent deleted messages in the current channel


!mcachievement (text) - Get a minecraft achivement with custom text

!awooify (@user - OPTIONAL) - Awooifies your pfp or soneone elses

!blurpify (@user - OPTIONAL) - Blurpifies your pfp or someone elses

!changemymind (text) - Make people change your mind with the meme change my mind

!clyde (text) - Make clyde say something

!deepfry (@user - OPTIONAL) - Deepfry someones pfp

!iphonex (@user - OPTIONAL) - Put someones pfp in an iphone X

!magik (@user OPTIONAL) - Magik your or someone elses pfp

!phubcomment (text) - Put some custom text in a phub comment

!trash (@user - OPTIONAL) - Put your pfp or someone elses to trash

!trumptweet (text) - Make trump tweet something with your text

Economy is still a work in progress and it is not done but we will be adding more features to it

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.