Logo for Monkee

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Monkee, the only bot you need to protect your server and have fun! Antibot (Member verification), automod, autoroles, reaction roles, giveaways, music, welcomer, games, fun, and much more...

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Monkee- The best free to use Discord bot
What is Monkee?

Monkee is an amazing Discord bot that has a whole host of features to satisfy all of your Discord needs.

Click here to configure the bot using our dashboard


/help - Lists all of the bots commands

Captcha verification

Stop server raids by making new members completed a captcha to prove they are not a bot!

/setup - setup server verification with a simple command!


/serverstats - Displays server stats in graph form (over time)


/poll - Allows you to create polls for your guild

👌 Moderation

/autorole - Makes the bot automatically give an assigned role to new users

/welcomemessage - Allows you to add or remove welcome messages

/leavemessage - Allows you to add or remove leave messages

/purge - Allows you to delete messages from chat

🎁 Giveaways

/gstart - Allows you to start a giveaway

👍 Utility

/reactionroles - Allows you to add a reaction role dropdown to a message

/announce - Allows you to create announcements for your guild


/games minesweeper - Allows you to play the infamous minesweeper game!

/games monkeerace - Allows you to race against your fellow monkees


/fun meme - Generates a bunch of memes

/fun dog - Sends a random photo of a dog

/fun insult - Sends a random insult

/fun lizard - Sends a random photo of a lizard

/fun bigtext - Turns your text into a big boi

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.