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MoonsetBot is a powerful multi-purpose discord bot with commands from moderation to music.

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Default prefix is “!” (Can be changed)

MoonsetBot is a extremely powerful discord bot with over 130 commands.
Commands include:

addcmd, addrole, addroleall, announce, ban, blacklistedwords, createrole, ctopic, deafen, delcmd, delete, ignoredchannels, kick, lockchannel, mute, nuke, removerole, removeroleall, removeuserwarns, say, set, stealemoji, sticky, unban, undeafen, unlockchannel, unmute, unset, unsticky, voicekick, voicemute, voiceunmute, warn, warnings

alpaca, bear, bird, bunny, camel, cat, catfact, cow, cowsay, dog, dogfact, duck, fox, koala, lizard, llama, owl, panda, racoon, shibe, snailfact, whale

8ball, advice, ascii, bet, block, compliment, dadjoke, flipcoin, foodporn, happiness, iq, lmgtfy, meme, ping, randomjoke, randomnumber, rps, wyr

amazeme, earthporn, baka, changemymind, clyde, cuddle, feed, giphy, hug, imgfy, kiss, owo, pat, poke, slap, smug, supreme, tweet

clearqueue, nowplaying, pause, play, queue, resume, shuffle, skip, stop, volume

afk, anime, avatar, bmi, botinfo, botinvite, bugreport, channelinfo, channels, define, dependencies, docs, emojis, enlarge, feedback, github, hastebin, help, image, imdb, invite, membercount, minecraft, morse, npm, playstore, pokemon, poll, randomcolor, roleinfo, roles, servericon, serverinfo, spotify, suggest, translate, uptime, userinfo, weather, wiki, worldclock

addmoney, balance, buy, daily, deposit, dice, inventory, moneyleaderboard, pay, profile, removemoney, rob, slots, store, weekly, withdraw, work

givexp, leaderboard, level, resetxp, xp

Exempt Commands (commands that cannot be disabled) :
config, disable, enable, prefix

givend, givreroll, givstart

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.