A cool All In One bot for your cool server
• Customizable Behaviour •<br>
• New Updates Rapidly •<br>
• 99.99% uptime, Online 24/7 and friendly, quick to respond support staff •<br>
• smooth, and modern user interface •<br>
• Community Driven - Your suggestion matters •<br>
• Play music from where ever you want •<br>
A list of all commands for the bots can be found at this <a href = “https://music.udit.gq”> website</a><br><br><br>
Some example commands<br>
.help : Returns the website link for commands<br>
.play Despacito : Join the voice channel and plays Despacito for you<br>
.play <Custom MP4/MP3 link>: Joins the voice channel and plays the audio for you<br>
.download <Song Name/ Song Link>: Downloads a song in .mp3 format and sends it in the channel<br>
.ban @Udit#2303 foo bar: Bans Udit#2303 for the reason “foo bar”<br>
.jail @Udit#2303 : Returns an image of the user being jailed<br>
.chatid #general : Sets #general as the AI chat channel<br>
In #general:<br>
Input: Hello!<br>
Output: Random message taken from the database<br>
.warn @Udit#2303 You’re Bad : Warns Udit#2303 for the reason: “You’re Bad”<br>
.meme : Returns a random meme from Reddit<br>
.automeme #channel : Sets #channel as the automeme channel. The bot will now send memes here every 30minutes.<br>
.xpset <enabled/disabled> : Enables or disables levelling for your server<br>
If you want to check out the website for this bot and get a more detailed description of these commands, visit <a href = “https://music.udit.gq”> https://music.udit.gq </a>