Murdoch Murdoch Manga Voting Bot Discord Bot Logo

Murdoch Murdoch Manga Voting Discord Bot

Full Murdoch Murdoch Manga Voting Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Anime commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in January

Murdoch Murdoch Manga Voting Discord Bot Described:

MangaDex voting bot. Allows users to vote on manga they want to see translated/picked up. !!ALPHA, connect to support discord for info!!

MangaDex voting bot. Allows users to vote on manga they want to see translated/picked up. !!ALPHA, connect to support discord for info and for commands!!

!mmvote mangadexurl - sends a vote via message. Can be pm’d to the bot for privacy

!mmtop 10 - returns the top 10 manga with the most positive votes. Can change number to anything you want

!mmlow 10 - returns the top 10 manga with the most negative votes. Can change number to anything you want.

!mmleast 10 - returns the top 10 manga that have the least positive + negative votes. Can chang ethe number to anything you want

!mmvote - returns a random manga you haven’t voted on

posting any mangadex url (the title url, not the /manga/ url) will add an ok and a thumbs down reaction. Clicking “ok” adds a positive vote. Clicking “thumbs down” adds a negative vote.

You can change votes by clicking a different reaction. If you’ve already voted, it will instead tell you the number of total votes (positive + negative) the manga has.

PLEASE join the support server!! This is an ALPHA bot and I want usage data to see how it’s performing, and also so I can address any issues/questions.

To test it and make sure it’s working, add the bot to a server, then say “”. You should see reactions underneath it. Click a reaction to vote. Reaction responses are time gated to avoid spam.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Murdoch Murdoch Manga Voting Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Murdoch Murdoch Manga Voting to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Murdoch Murdoch Manga Voting Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !mm
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Poldev#7707