MangaDex voting bot. Allows users to vote on manga they want to see translated/picked up. !!ALPHA, connect to support discord for info and for commands!!
!mmvote mangadexurl - sends a vote via message. Can be pm’d to the bot for privacy
!mmtop 10 - returns the top 10 manga with the most positive votes. Can change number to anything you want
!mmlow 10 - returns the top 10 manga with the most negative votes. Can change number to anything you want.
!mmleast 10 - returns the top 10 manga that have the least positive + negative votes. Can chang ethe number to anything you want
!mmvote - returns a random manga you haven’t voted on
posting any mangadex url (the title url, not the /manga/ url) will add an ok and a thumbs down reaction. Clicking “ok” adds a positive vote. Clicking “thumbs down” adds a negative vote.
You can change votes by clicking a different reaction. If you’ve already voted, it will instead tell you the number of total votes (positive + negative) the manga has.
PLEASE join the support server!! This is an ALPHA bot and I want usage data to see how it’s performing, and also so I can address any issues/questions.
To test it and make sure it’s working, add the bot to a server, then say “”. You should see reactions underneath it. Click a reaction to vote. Reaction responses are time gated to avoid spam.