=== Command list ===
[Use m-help for details]
m-addbot :: Send the URL you can use, to add this bot to your own server.
m-autoplay :: Toggles the autoplay mode of the music playback.
m-color :: Changes the users name color.
m-emojis :: Lists all emojis on this server.
m-forceskip :: Skips the current playing song. Only for Mods.
m-help :: Displays all available commands for your permission level.
m-move :: move
m-pause :: Pauses the music bot.
m-ping :: Ping command. Thats all. Nothing special.
m-play :: Plays a song (direct link or search)
m-purge :: Purges a specified amount of messages from the channel it has been executed in.
m-queue :: Sends a list of song in the queue.
m-random :: Generates a random number. Default 0-100.
m-reload :: Reloads the command filem, if it’s been updated, added or modified.
m-repeat :: Toggles the repeat mode of the music playback.
m-resume :: Resumes the music bot.
m-seek :: Seeks the music bot to a given second.
m-setup :: Runs a setup, if the bot is new to the server.
m-skip :: Skips the current playing song.
m-stats :: Sends some stats about the bot and the server.
m-stop :: Stops the music bot.
QUICK TUTORIAL OF HOW TO PLAY MUSICFirst, search the music with m-play and react with the number of the music that you want to play