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Musicly is the best discord bot. Search the music and react to the message and play music!

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=== Command list ===

[Use m-help for details]

m-addbot :: Send the URL you can use, to add this bot to your own server.

m-autoplay :: Toggles the autoplay mode of the music playback.

m-color :: Changes the users name color.

m-emojis :: Lists all emojis on this server.

m-forceskip :: Skips the current playing song. Only for Mods.

m-help :: Displays all available commands for your permission level.

m-move :: move

m-pause :: Pauses the music bot.

m-ping :: Ping command. Thats all. Nothing special.

m-play :: Plays a song (direct link or search)

m-purge :: Purges a specified amount of messages from the channel it has been executed in.

m-queue :: Sends a list of song in the queue.

m-random :: Generates a random number. Default 0-100.

m-reload :: Reloads the command filem, if it’s been updated, added or modified.

m-repeat :: Toggles the repeat mode of the music playback.

m-resume :: Resumes the music bot.

m-seek :: Seeks the music bot to a given second.

m-setup :: Runs a setup, if the bot is new to the server.

m-skip :: Skips the current playing song.

m-stats :: Sends some stats about the bot and the server.

m-stop :: Stops the music bot.

First, search the music with m-play and react with the number of the music that you want to play


Then, it will play the music!


Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.