A multi-functional bot with AI, fun/game, and other commands and no things asking you to buy premium!
The prefix is “.” but it can be changed.
The AI commands have things like gpt-2 (An ai that finishes sentences), an image colorizer, and more.
There is fun commands like meme, which gets memes from Reddit.
Subreddits Nazzy uses:
- memes
- DeepFriedMemes
- dankmemes
- PrequelMemes
- terriblefacebookmemes
- BikiniBottomTwitter
- PewdiepieSubmissions
- ComedyCemetery
- MemeEconomy
- memegifs
- dankgifs
Music commands, and some other commands like random generators, and hashers.
Also, if you’re wondering about the avatar of the bot is a picture of something I made in Blender from a Crunch candy bar commercial.
- Help | Gives you the commands
- Userinfo | Gives info about a member
- Serverinfo | Gives info about a guild
- Guilds | Tells how many guilds Nazzy is in
- Set (prefix/announcement channel/censoring/beta testing/welcome channel/welcome message) | Sets something
- Meme | Gives you a random meme from reddit
- Dog | Random dogs
- Cat | Random cats
(I’m going to be adding more animal commands, and then I’m to make a category for it)
- Donut | Gives you a random donut with a trait and enchantment
- Work | Work to make money and by something (Kind of trash)
- Shop | Buy things with the money you made
- Bank | See what you have in the bank
- Civ (create [name]/advance) | Create a civilization and advance (Kind of trash too)
- Rate [something] | Rates something
- [create a channel named “talk-to-nazzy”] | Talk to a bad Dialogflow bot
- Phishify | Stylize your picture with a picture of a blob fish
- Dreamify | Dreamify your images
- Colorize | Colorize b&w pictures, or de-colorize colored pictures
- Finish | Have gpt-2 finish your sentences
- Clever | Talk to Cleverbot
- Texttoimage | Makes images from text
- Findexpression | Tries to find expressions in photos of people
- Kick [mention someone] | Kicks someone
- Ban [mention someone] | Bans someone
- Clear [num] | Deletes messages on channel
- Create channel [type] [name] | Creates
channel and categories
- Play (song name) | Plays music
- Stop | Stops the song
- Skip | Skips to next song
- Volume (num up to 10) | Changes music volume
- Bitrate (num up to 200) | Changes music bitrate
- Invite (bot/support aka outlet) | Get invite for bot or to support server
- Random (hex/number/name/string) | Gives random stuff
- Ping | Checks the bots host and API latency
- Request (bot activity)| Sends a request to the support server
- Hash (string) | Hashes a string with SHA-512
- Find User (part of username) | Search through users from servers that Nazzy is in
That’s all folks.
Thank you for reading, and if you do, inviting Nazzy.