NekoMaid Discord Bot Logo

NekoMaid Discord Bot


Invite NekoMaid Bot to your server and enjoy its unique features like Economy, Leveling, Music and Management commands. Get the NekoMaid Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in June

NekoMaid Discord Bot Described:

Nekomaid is a cute Discord bot with own economy, leveling, music, management features and a lot more! Customizable and entirely free. ❤️

❤️ NekoMaid offers a variety of cute emotes to express yourself with, very own economy system to increase your server’s activity, customizable leveling system, moderation tools and many more…

What might you want:
– Custom welcome/leave messages
– Automatic roles for new members
– Leveling system with ranks
Moderation tools (ban, kick, mute, warn, …)
– Easily getting emotes from other servers onto yours
– Member/Bot/Role/Channel counters
– Reaction roles
– Auto-mod (can ban specific words, server invites, links, …)


> Help & Information
help, info, invite, ping, prefix, site, suggest, support/server, upvote/vote

> Actions
arrest, bite, cuddle, hug, kill, kiss, lick, nom, pat, poke, slap, tickle

> Emotes
angry, blush, borgar, cry, dance, lewd, pout, sleepy, smile, smug, think

> Fun
8ball, animetrivia, cat, dog, foxgirl, impostor, neko, nicklettergiveaway, nickletterrequest, owoify, roll

> Profile
bal/balance/bank, beg, build, building, buildings, buildingsglobal, buildingsguide, buy, crime, daily, deposit/dep, divorce, item, marry, notifications, profile, rep, shop, slots, steal, top/leaderboard/lb, transfer/pay, use, useall, withdraw/with, work

> Utility
ava/avatar, customembed, getemote, osu, osulast, osurecent, osuset, osutop, poll, roleinfo, rr/reactionroles, safebooru, say, serverinfo, userinfo/memberinfo

> Music
clearqueue, leave/stop, np, pause, play/p, queue, repeat/loop, resume, shuffle, skip

> Moderation
ban, bans, clear/purge, clearwarns, kick, mute, mutes, slowmode, someone, unban, unmute, warn, warns

> Server Config
Most configuration is found here - nm!config

> Audit Logs
Logging moderation events - nm!auditlog

> Leveling
Own configurable leveling system - nm!leveling

> Moderation
Most moderation settings - nm!moderation

And many more…
For help with any command type - nm!help <command>

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add NekoMaid Discord Bot to my server?

You can add NekoMaid to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add NekoMaid Discord Bot' on this page.

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