Neon Discord Bot Logo

Neon Discord Bot

Invite Neon Bot to your server and enjoy Fun, Moderation and Anything else commands. Get the full Neon Discord Bot experience now!

0 upvotes in February

Neon Discord Bot Described:

Fun commands? ✓ | Moderation commands? ✓ | Anything else? ✓ Neon bot has it all!

Neon Bot

How to use:

To get started with Neon Bot, you can run the simple help command.
When you run the help command you are shown a simple help menu.
Here, you can find a list of all available commands.

About Neon Bot:

Neon bot was coded and developed mid 2020. The developers of Neon Bot believes it can go far, with us bringing frequent updates to the bot, and owning a website and support server.
Neon Bot will have frequent updates, which will be available to view through the changelog command (.changelog) or by joining our support server.

A big question we are asked - Will Neon Bot release a premium version?
Neon Bot Premium is in development. Due to Covid-19, it will be delayed until early 2021, and will be released whenever it is stable, and whenever Neon Bot is verified with Discord.

Another question we are asked - Can I earn any type of rewards when using Neon Bot?
If you join our support server and upvote our bot, you will receive an upvoter role. This role can be used to obtain a discount of Neon Bot Premium, or free Neon Bot Premium.

Thank you.

A message from the CEO.
I would like to thank everyone for using Neon Bot, and would like to thank everyone who has helped. If you need any assistance join our support server, and view our website.

Support Server -
Website -

Thank you.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Neon Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Neon to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Neon Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: .
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Craig#8888