Hey, Netflix Discord Bot Logo

Hey, Netflix Discord Bot

Invite Netflix Bot to your Discord server and enjoy its unique movie and show commands. Get the best Netflix experience with the Heynetflix Discord Bot.

1 upvotes in January

Hey, Netflix Discord Bot Described:

Introducing the first-of-its-kind Discord app from Netflix! With the simple slash command /heynetflix, the official Netflix app helps you discover new shows and movies to watch and discuss to

Introducing the first-of-its-kind Discord app from Netflix! With the simple slash command /heynetflix, the official Netflix app helps you discover new shows and movies to watch and discuss together.

It only recommends titles that are available in everyone’s home country, and it automatically opens a new channel for you to react in real time without spoiling anything for others on your server.

How It Works:
Step 1: Summon the bot with the slash command /heynetflix
Step 2: Vote on whether you want to watch a film or series.
Step 3: Everyone inputs what country they’re in so we can find a title available for everyone.
Step 4: Select from the 4 recommended titles or “refine” for 4 more.
Step 5: Watch and discuss together in a new private chat channel so you don’t spoil it for others!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Hey, Netflix Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Hey, Netflix to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Hey, Netflix Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: /
Servers: 231K
Users: unknown
Created by: xavinlol#0