Admin Commands
+setup Shows infomation of how to setup the bot
+purge <Number>Deletes amount of messages specified
+kick <user>Kicks mentioned user
+say <message> Tell the bot what to say
+dm <user> <title> | <message> Dms the user mentioned a message
+announce <Title> | <message> Sends an embeded annoincement to the announcments channel
+warn <user> | <reason> Warns the mentioned user
General Commands
+avatar <user> send a picture of the user mentioneds avatar
+help Shows this message
+invite Displays Bot Invite infomation
+ping Displays bot latency
+stats Displays Server Stats
+report <user> | <reason> Reports a user to the server staff
+info Sends infomation about the bot
+suggest <suggestion> Send a suggestion to the server staff
+donate Displays infomation on how to donate
+helpbeta Displays the Beta Testers help menu (Beta Testers Only)
+google <search> Searches google!
+youtube <search> Searches youtube!
+whois <@user> displays infomation on the mentioned user
+8ball <input> Displays the magic 8ball
+projokes Displays a random programer joke
+jokes Displays a random joke
+coinflip Flips a coin
+random <min> <max> Genarates a random number between the min and maz number
+myinfo Displays infomation about yourself
+emojis Displays the servers emojis
+credits View the awsome people that created me!
+timer <time> Sets a timer
+whois <user> Displays infomationn on a user