---- osu! ---- $osuset [Username] or $os [Username] Links or updates your osu username which will be used in other osu commands e.g. $osuset FurkanisTaken -t [type] - (optional) will change the the server type e.g. $osuset -t 1 FurkanisTaken (This will link my Gatari account) 0 - Official osu! servers (Default) 1 - Gatari servers (Partially Supported) 2 - Akatsuki servers (Partially Supported)
$osu [Username] Displays the stats of the specified user. If no osu username is specified then the username linked with account will be used (refer to $osuset)
$best or $bt Shows the top 5 plays of the specified user. If no osu username is specified then the username linked with account will be used (refer to $osuset)
$map [Beatmap name or beatmap id] or $mp [Beatmap name or beatmap id] Shows you the stats of the specified map
$recent [Username] or $rs [Username] Will return the stats of the most recent play of the specified user. If no osu username is specified then the username linked with account will be used e.g. $rs FurkanisTaken -p [previous] - (optional) will show the plays previous to the latest one e.g. $rs -p 3 FurkanisTaken (This will display the play that is the 3rd latest) 0-49 - Any value between 0 and 49 is valid -m [mode] - (optional) will display the recent play of the specified mode e.g. $rs -m 3 FurkanisTaken (This will show my latest mania play) 0 - Standard (Default) 1 - Taiko 2 - CTB 3 - Mania
$c or $compare It will return your best play on the last map mentioned in the chat e.g. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $c (Will show my best score on Ange du Blanc Pur)
Note: If you are on Akatsuki servers and you want to display relax scores use -rx as an argument to view relax data e.g. $best -rx
$leaderboard or $lb Will display the top 25 people on the leaderboard in the last mentioned map in the chat e.g. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $lb -c [count] - (optional) will change the count of people displayed e.g. $lb -c 10 (This will show the top 10 people in the last mentioned map) 0-25 - Number of people (Default = 25)
$pp Calculates the pp for the last mentioned map in the chat e.g. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $pp 100% +HD [accuracy]% - (If not given the bot will assume its 100% accuracy when approriate) show the pp for a specific accuracy +[mods] - (If not given the bot will assume no mods are applied) show the pp with the specified maps applied. [Number of misses]m - (If not given the bot will assume 0 misses) show the pp with the specified miss count. [combo]x - (If not given the bot will assume a Full combo) show the pp with the specified combo. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $pp 95% 1200x 2m +HD (This will return the pp for a 95% accuracy, 2 miss, 1200 combo HD play on Ange de Blanc Pur)
---- General ---- $help or $hl Displays this command list $cat :)
$changelog or $cl Will return the information on where to find the changelog for the bot
$ping The bot will measure the latency of the API’s that the bot uses and returns their latency