NOSU Discord Bot Logo

NOSU Discord Bot

Invite NOSU Bot to your server and enjoy its osu! commands. Get recent plays and stats with NOSU Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

NOSU Discord Bot Described:

Some osu! bot. Can you show recent plays and stats

---- osu! ---- $osuset [Username] or $os [Username] Links or updates your osu username which will be used in other osu commands e.g. $osuset FurkanisTaken -t [type] - (optional) will change the the server type e.g. $osuset -t 1 FurkanisTaken (This will link my Gatari account) 0 - Official osu! servers (Default) 1 - Gatari servers (Partially Supported) 2 - Akatsuki servers (Partially Supported)

$osu [Username] Displays the stats of the specified user. If no osu username is specified then the username linked with account will be used (refer to $osuset)

$best or $bt Shows the top 5 plays of the specified user. If no osu username is specified then the username linked with account will be used (refer to $osuset)

$map [Beatmap name or beatmap id] or $mp [Beatmap name or beatmap id] Shows you the stats of the specified map

$recent [Username] or $rs [Username] Will return the stats of the most recent play of the specified user. If no osu username is specified then the username linked with account will be used e.g. $rs FurkanisTaken -p [previous] - (optional) will show the plays previous to the latest one e.g. $rs -p 3 FurkanisTaken (This will display the play that is the 3rd latest) 0-49 - Any value between 0 and 49 is valid -m [mode] - (optional) will display the recent play of the specified mode e.g. $rs -m 3 FurkanisTaken (This will show my latest mania play) 0 - Standard (Default) 1 - Taiko 2 - CTB 3 - Mania

$c or $compare It will return your best play on the last map mentioned in the chat e.g. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $c (Will show my best score on Ange du Blanc Pur)

Note: If you are on Akatsuki servers and you want to display relax scores use -rx as an argument to view relax data e.g. $best -rx

$leaderboard or $lb Will display the top 25 people on the leaderboard in the last mentioned map in the chat e.g. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $lb -c [count] - (optional) will change the count of people displayed e.g. $lb -c 10 (This will show the top 10 people in the last mentioned map) 0-25 - Number of people (Default = 25)

$pp Calculates the pp for the last mentioned map in the chat e.g. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $pp 100% +HD [accuracy]% - (If not given the bot will assume its 100% accuracy when approriate) show the pp for a specific accuracy +[mods] - (If not given the bot will assume no mods are applied) show the pp with the specified maps applied. [Number of misses]m - (If not given the bot will assume 0 misses) show the pp with the specified miss count. [combo]x - (If not given the bot will assume a Full combo) show the pp with the specified combo. $map Ange du Blanc Pur then $pp 95% 1200x 2m +HD (This will return the pp for a 95% accuracy, 2 miss, 1200 combo HD play on Ange de Blanc Pur)

---- General ---- $help or $hl Displays this command list $cat :)

$changelog or $cl Will return the information on where to find the changelog for the bot

$ping The bot will measure the latency of the API’s that the bot uses and returns their latency

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add NOSU Discord Bot to my server?

You can add NOSU to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add NOSU Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: $
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Raksix#2077