deleted_user492bbf46e7ef Discord Bot Logo

deleted_user492bbf46e7ef Discord Bot

Invite Covid-19 Bot to your server and enjoy its Moderation, Music, Fun, and Economy commands. Get the full Covid-19 Discord Bot experience.

0 upvotes in September

deleted_user492bbf46e7ef Discord Bot Described:

Null is a discord bot made for moderation, music (coming soon), fun, and economy (coming soon). The only bot you'll ever need.

Null is a discord bot made for moderation, music (coming soon), fun, and economy (coming soon). The only bot you’ll ever need. The default prefix is ? you can change the prefix with the prefix command.
The commands are:

?help - Shows all the commands
?whois [user] - Get user info on user
?server - Get information about the server
?ping - Calculates how much time it takes to send a message. Use this to test if the bot is online
?prefix - Changes the prefix for the server
?invite - Get the invite for the server
?feedback [feedback] - Give us some feedback to improve the bot
?ban <user> [reason] - Ban a user from your server.
?kick <user> [reason] - Kick a user from your server
?mute <user> <time> [reason] - Mute someone on your server
?unmute <user> - Unmute someone from the server
?unban <user> - Unban someone from the server
?role <user> <role> - Gives the user the role you specified
?lockdown - Gives everyone except moderators the muted role. Use the command again to remove a lockdown
?fact - Get a random fact.
?dog - Get a random dog
?cat - Get a random cat
?pokemon - Get a random pokemon
?reddit [sub-reddit] - Get the latest post from your favorite sub-reddit. Default value is discordapp sub-reddit.

Click Me

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add deleted_user492bbf46e7ef Discord Bot to my server?

You can add deleted_user492bbf46e7ef to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add deleted_user492bbf46e7ef Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ?
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Hackermon#1059
