Nut GOD Discord Bot Logo

Nut GOD Discord Bot

Full Nut GOD Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Nut GOD Discord Bot Described:

Easy to use • Fun • Useful - Use Nut God for all purposes such as Moderation and Fun!

Nut God has a large amount of commands and is always open for new ideas. The commands are split into 5 sections
Moderation, Games, Soundboard, Misc and more

Moderation Commands

Admin only

n!Say - Broadcasts a message in the channel

n!Esay - Broadcasts a embed message in the channel

n!Nuke - Deletes and Remakes the channel. Basically Purge but deletes all messages

Standard Moderation

n!Ban [@User] [Reason] - Bans the given user from the server (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!UnBan [@User] [Reason] - Unbans the given user from the server (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!Kick [@User] [Reason] - Kicks the given user from the server (Requires Kick Members Perm)

n!Warn [@User] [Reason] - Warns the Given user (Requires Manage Messages Perm)

n!Warnings [@User] - See a users warnings (Requires Manage Messages Perm)

n!DeleteWarn [@User] [Warning Number] - Delete a specific warning (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!ClearWarn [@User] - Clear a Users warnings (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!Nickname [@user] [Nickname] - Changes the given users nickname (Requires Manage Nicknames Perm)

Game Commands

n!CoinFlip - Returns “Heads” or “Tails”

n!GenNumber [Min] [Max] - Returns a random number

n!Gold - Display’s the user’s gold

n!Gamble - The user randomly gains or loses some gold

n!Slap [@User] - Slaps the mentioned user

n!Pat [@User] - Pat the mentioned user

n!Hug [@User] - Hug the mentioned user

Soundboard Commands











Misc Commands

n!Suggest - Give a Useful Suggestion for the bot (Spam or Innapropriate Suggestions will result in blacklist from command)

n!UserInfo - Displays the user’s information

n!ChannelInfo [#channel] - Displays the channel’s information

n!RoleInfo [RoleID] - Displays info for the role

n!Avatar [@User] - Enlarges the Mentioned Users profile picture

n!UpdateNotes - Shows the Info for the most recent update (rest can be seen in support server)

n!Serverinfo - Shows info about the server

n!Meme - Sends a meme from r/memes

n!Tweet - Send a embed as if you tweeted something

n!Vote - Vote for this bot!!

And More
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Nut GOD Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Nut GOD to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Nut GOD Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: n!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: nobody0002#0