Logo for Nut GOD

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Easy to use • Fun • Useful - Use Nut God for all purposes such as Moderation and Fun!

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Nut God has a large amount of commands and is always open for new ideas. The commands are split into 5 sections
Moderation, Games, Soundboard, Misc and more

Moderation Commands

Admin only

n!Say - Broadcasts a message in the channel

n!Esay - Broadcasts a embed message in the channel

n!Nuke - Deletes and Remakes the channel. Basically Purge but deletes all messages

Standard Moderation

n!Ban [@User] [Reason] - Bans the given user from the server (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!UnBan [@User] [Reason] - Unbans the given user from the server (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!Kick [@User] [Reason] - Kicks the given user from the server (Requires Kick Members Perm)

n!Warn [@User] [Reason] - Warns the Given user (Requires Manage Messages Perm)

n!Warnings [@User] - See a users warnings (Requires Manage Messages Perm)

n!DeleteWarn [@User] [Warning Number] - Delete a specific warning (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!ClearWarn [@User] - Clear a Users warnings (Requires Ban Members Perm)

n!Nickname [@user] [Nickname] - Changes the given users nickname (Requires Manage Nicknames Perm)

Game Commands

n!CoinFlip - Returns “Heads” or “Tails”

n!GenNumber [Min] [Max] - Returns a random number

n!Gold - Display’s the user’s gold

n!Gamble - The user randomly gains or loses some gold

n!Slap [@User] - Slaps the mentioned user

n!Pat [@User] - Pat the mentioned user

n!Hug [@User] - Hug the mentioned user

Soundboard Commands











Misc Commands

n!Suggest - Give a Useful Suggestion for the bot (Spam or Innapropriate Suggestions will result in blacklist from command)

n!UserInfo - Displays the user’s information

n!ChannelInfo [#channel] - Displays the channel’s information

n!RoleInfo [RoleID] - Displays info for the role

n!Avatar [@User] - Enlarges the Mentioned Users profile picture

n!UpdateNotes - Shows the Info for the most recent update (rest can be seen in support server)

n!Serverinfo - Shows info about the server

n!Meme - Sends a meme from r/memes

n!Tweet - Send a embed as if you tweeted something

n!Vote - Vote for this bot!!

And More
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.