Hello there! Introducing NxtLvl Bump Version 2. We have changed a lot, removed some stuff, added some stuff. This bot has been coded by TheVortex#0002
and the team at BytesToBits. NxtLvl Bump is made in discord.py
and hosted by Geschafft.
- Removed Premium Commands
- Added free embed color changing
- Developed in discord.py instead of discord.js
- Being hosted by TheVortex#0002 to quicker edit and fix access
How to Setup your Server
- The help command and how to use the bot
- Setup the server bumping module in the bot
- Get a valid official invite to the Support Server
- Get a Discord invite for the bot (Bot doesn’t need Admin to function)
- Get information about the bot and how is it running
- Invite NxtLvl Bump to your server
- Execute the command
- Post your server advertisement under the message saying so
- For custom emojis to work, the emoji must be in the server your setting up the server
- Your advertisement must be in the range of 250 - 2400 characters
- Mention the channel where you want the invite to be created from
- Using important channels like server rules or announcements is much more better instead of setting it as a staff channel or your general chat
- Create a channel called
, it can be anything else but this is where the bump feed goes to.- Make sure to enable Read Messages, Send Messages, Read Message History, Use External Emotes, and Embed Link permissions for
NxtLvl Bump34017
- Enable permissions where members can read the messages of the server bump channel
- Make sure to enable Read Messages, Send Messages, Read Message History, Use External Emotes, and Embed Link permissions for
- Mention the channel you want the bump feed to go into under the message the bot said to
- Enter a VALID hex code in there, for example
will give white. - You finished! Run
every 1 hour to bump your server!
- Support Server:
or https://discord.gg/zYhCU6e- Bot Invite: here
- top.gg Server Page: https://top.gg/bot/756193483869519962