Bumped Discord Bot Logo

Bumped Discord Bot

Invite Bumped Bot to your server and use its commands to advertise your server to other servers. Get started with Bumped Discord Bot today!

0 upvotes in February

Bumped Discord Bot Described:

A bot that advertises your server to other servers. *Follows the new Discord TOS Guidelines*
NxtLvl Bump

Hello there! Introducing NxtLvl Bump Version 2. We have changed a lot, removed some stuff, added some stuff. This bot has been coded by TheVortex#0002 and the team at BytesToBits. NxtLvl Bump is made in discord.py and hosted by Geschafft.

  • Removed Premium Commands
  • Added free embed color changing
  • Developed in discord.py instead of discord.js
  • Being hosted by TheVortex#0002 to quicker edit and fix access

-help - The help command and how to use the bot
-setup - Setup the server bumping module in the bot
-support - Get a valid official invite to the Support Server
-invite - Get a Discord invite for the bot (Bot doesn’t need Admin to function)
-info - Get information about the bot and how is it running

How to Setup your Server
  1. Invite NxtLvl Bump to your server
  2. Execute the command -setup
  3. Post your server advertisement under the message saying so
    • For custom emojis to work, the emoji must be in the server your setting up the server
    • Your advertisement must be in the range of 250 - 2400 characters
  4. Mention the channel where you want the invite to be created from
    • Using important channels like server rules or announcements is much more better instead of setting it as a staff channel or your general chat
  5. Create a channel called #server-bumps, it can be anything else but this is where the bump feed goes to.
    • Make sure to enable Read Messages, Send Messages, Read Message History, Use External Emotes, and Embed Link permissions for NxtLvl Bump34017
    • Enable permissions where members can read the messages of the server bump channel
  6. Mention the channel you want the bump feed to go into under the message the bot said to
  7. Enter a VALID hex code in there, for example f8f8f8 will give white.
  8. You finished! Run -bump every 1 hour to bump your server!
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Bumped Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Bumped to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Bumped Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: -
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: xetroV ehT#5905