Petrichor Discord Bot Logo

Petrichor Discord Bot

Full Petrichor Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Economy commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Petrichor Discord Bot Described:

A currency bot that's actually really hard.

The currency bot with a real challenge.
Ever look at a currency bot and go, “That was too easy?” Then try out Petrichor, the currency bot where you have to grind.

Current version: 1.0


p!ping- Shows latency and uptime

p!help- Shows list of commands

p!start- Starts a Petrichor account. You can enter a referral code to earn 5 PC and let the referrer earn 10 PC

p!bal- Shows your account balance

p!scrounge- Scrounges for cash, gives 0.01 to 0.5 PC with a cooldown of 3 minutes

p!look, p!find- Look for cash in a particular location, gives 0.03 to 7 PC with a cooldown of 5 minutes

p!bet <amt>- Bet a certain amount of money greater than 5 PC. Predict the coin flip and double your money, else lose that amount. Cooldown of 2 minutes

p!ref, p!referral- Get a referral code. Refer your friends for 10 PC

p!bonus- Get a bonus, gives 5 to 10 PC with a cooldown of 12 hours

p!wires- Fix wires. Running the command gives a small tutorial. Gives 0.01 to 0.1 PC with a cooldown of 1 minute
p!mine- Go mining. Gives 3 to 5 PC with a cooldown of 1 hour

p!prefix [newprefix]- Change the prefix. p! by default; provide no argument to reset. For a prefix ending in space, wrap the prefix in backticks (`)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Petrichor Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Petrichor to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Petrichor Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: p!
Servers: 41
Users: 148.4K
Created by: TheUndeadBowman#0001