Logo for deleted_usere94cd0af2381

Upvote deleted_usere94cd0af2381

The most easy to use Discord bot with Moderation | Fun | Utilities | Music | Moderation | Economy | Leveling | ServerStats.
Phyton Commands:
~ General:

avatar, botinfo, rank, help, roleinfo, suggest, createinvite, whois, serverinfo, uptime, userinfo, profile, invite, shards, ping.

~ Music:

play, pause, resume, skip, stop, np, volume, voicemute, voiceunmute.

~ Moderation:

addrole, lockdown, roleall, removerole, say, ban, unban, tempban, kick, mute, unmute, purge.

~ Fun:

fmk, gay, lesbian, google, roast, rr, rate.

~ Economy:

add, remove, balance, daily, deposit, pay, work, weekly, withdraw, profile, slots, roulette, begging.

~ ServerStats:

serverstats enable, serverstats disable.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.