Pogo Trainer Discord Bot Logo

Pogo Trainer Discord Bot

Full Pogo Trainer Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Games commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Pogo Trainer Discord Bot Described:

Spawn Legendary Pokemon, Shiny Pokemon or even a Golden Pokemon in your server!

😎 Name: Pogo Trainer
🌟 Prefix: !
♥️ Help: !help
🔥 Status: 24/7 Online

😃__Pokemon Commands__😃
–> Check Global Rare Spawn on our support server to see how others user lucky are they
–> Join the global raid battle and have a chances to encounter Legendary Pokemon and Mega Pokemon
–> Spawn Pokemon on your server. If you are lucky, you may spawn a Legendary Pokemon, Shiny Pokemon or even a Golden Pokemon!
–> Join the spotlight hour to encounter a special and surprise Pokemon
–> Collect some eggs and hatch them
–> Invite me to your server now to start your journey 😁

💰__Accounts and Economy Commands__💰
–> Work some jobs to earn moneys
–> Rob other user’s moneys
–> Go for a crime to steal a big amount of moneys
–> Go to the sea and pull up some fish
–> Save your money into the bank to prevent others rob you
–> Get your mineshaft ⛏️ and mine out some diamonds

🎲__Gambling Commands__🎲
–> 🎫 Win a huge amount of money from the lottery!
–> Play slots to have a chance to win moneys 💰

🐱__Funs Commands__🐱
–> Generate some funny meme 😁
–> Check your overall stats!

🔧 Level up system also available!

✅ Suggest some of your idea to us to improve the bot! We are appreciate all of your suggestions

❌ If there is any bugs on my bot, you may report it to us so that we can improve it

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Pogo Trainer Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Pogo Trainer to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Pogo Trainer Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: !
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Freeboy#1396