😎 Name: Pogo Trainer
🌟 Prefix: !
♥️ Help: !help
🔥 Status: 24/7 Online
😃__Pokemon Commands__😃
–> Check Global Rare Spawn on our support server to see how others user lucky are they
–> Join the global raid battle and have a chances to encounter Legendary Pokemon and Mega Pokemon
–> Spawn Pokemon on your server. If you are lucky, you may spawn a Legendary Pokemon, Shiny Pokemon or even a Golden Pokemon!
–> Join the spotlight hour to encounter a special and surprise Pokemon
–> Collect some eggs and hatch them
–> Invite me to your server now to start your journey 😁
💰__Accounts and Economy Commands__💰
–> Work some jobs to earn moneys
–> Rob other user’s moneys
–> Go for a crime to steal a big amount of moneys
–> Go to the sea and pull up some fish
–> Save your money into the bank to prevent others rob you
–> Get your mineshaft ⛏️ and mine out some diamonds
🎲__Gambling Commands__🎲
–> 🎫 Win a huge amount of money from the lottery!
–> Play slots to have a chance to win moneys 💰
🐱__Funs Commands__🐱
–> Generate some funny meme 😁
–> Check your overall stats!
🔧 Level up system also available!
✅ Suggest some of your idea to us to improve the bot! We are appreciate all of your suggestions
❌ If there is any bugs on my bot, you may report it to us so that we can improve it