Logo for PoiiBot

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Poiibot will bring your server all sorts of fun features!

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Here’s why PoiiBot will be perfect for your server…


~Loaded with 65+ commands, PoiiBot will have everything you need to make your server rich with experiences.~

~Commands:~ (A brief yet short list of many)

->Action: Hug, Kiss, Pat

->Core: Botinfo, Support-server, Ticket

->Economy: Daily, Shop

->Fun: 8ball, bird, pressf, neko, rate, waifu

->Games: Slots, Coinflip

->Memes: Distracted, Fusion, owo, Retarded, Rip, Triggered

->Moderation: Kick, Ban, Lockdown, Prune

->Music: Listenmoe, Join/Leave, Play, Volume

->Profile: Profile, Lcview

->Utility: Setup, Avatar, User, Server, Remindme, Randomhex, League-Of-Legends


~PoiiBot comes with a global exp/level-up system, economy, and random events that happen based off of server activity!~

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