So this is my first bot and I hope you like.
Here are the commands:
.help Show all of the commands of the bot
.ping Show bot's ping
.rank Show your rank
.clear Clear from 2-99 messages
.members Shows the amount of members in the Guild
.id Show's the id of the User Mentioned
.slowmode Sets slowmode to a custom time
.coolstab Stabs someone (requires mention)
.euphimi Are you Euphimi?
.credits Shows people who helped.
.rip Displays rip image.
.owner Displays the owner of the server.
.servermade Displays when the server was made.
.noshit No shit boi.
.fight Shame your target as you beat them!
.8ball Do not question witchcraft.
.hell Lists some places that are similar to hell.
.channelmade Displays when the channel was made.
.invites Dms you how many invites you have.
.randomjoke Displays a random joke.
.randomji Displays random lenny face?
.meme Displays a meme from the Memes subreddit.
.dankmeme Displays a meme from the Dankmemes subreddit