Chat with bot! Mention Chatbot and start chat. e.g: @Chatbot hi!(DM channel allowed) ?help İf you are read this message congratulations you used this command :) ?botinfo Sends the bot information as a message. ?serverinfo Sends the server information as a message. ?Dog Bot send out random dog photos on your channel. ?cat Bot send out random cat photos on your channel. ?meme Bot send out random meme photos on your channel. ?kiss Bot send out random kiss gif on your channel. ?hug Bot send out random hug gif on your channel. ?fish, ?gamble and more!
PyramidBot Discord Bot
Invite PyramidBot to your server and start chatting with its commands. Enjoy the fun with PyramidBot Discord Bot.
0 upvotes in OctoberPyramidBot Discord Bot Described:
Chat with bot! Mention Chatbot and start chat. e.g: @Chatbot hi!(DM channel allowed) ?help
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add PyramidBot Discord Bot to my server?
You can add PyramidBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add PyramidBot Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
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