Rainyyy is a multi-purpose bot ready to take your Discord server to the next level. Rainyyy’s features include:
The main use for rainy is the ability to keep your discord server safe and secure. Rainyyy has integrated kick and ban commands that will stop anyone from messing around in your guild. More administration features coming soon…
If you are ever feeling bored and want to listen to some music, Rainyyy has a built in music system. Just jump in a voice channel type out the “play” command with a link to whatever song you would like to listen to.
Rainyyy also has an integrated leveling system which carries across all of the mutual discords yourself and Rainyyy are in. This is to bring some fun to your discord and keep users engaged and active. More fun features coming soon…
!setlogs{channel} - sets a moderation log channel
Default Prefix = !
Rainyyy’s fun commands:
Rainyyy’s help commands:
- !help
- !helpmod
- !helpserver
- !helpmusic
Rainyyy’s Misc Commands:
- !avatar
- !info
- !suggest
More of these to come…
Rainyyy’s Moderation commands:
- !kick
- !ban
More of these to come…
Rainy also has a couple server sided commands such as:
- !setwelcome {welcomemessage} - Use this in the channel where you will be welcoming members
- !prefix {newprefix} - change the bots prefix
- !setsuggest{channel} - sets a suggestion channel