Are you tired of having multiple bots with each of them having a different setup, prefix,…
Than try out Rapture! A multi-purpose bot with a leveling system like MEE6, a logging system like Dyno, a music system like Rythm and much more.
The Default prefix is “-”
- 99.99% Up time, 24/7/365
- Music - High performance and quality music streaming backed by serious hardware
- Tickets - A ticket system with transcripts for the creator and the admins
- Leveling - A leveling system very similar to MEE6
- Moderation - ban, kick, mute, unmute, warn, clear
- Economy - A small economy where you can earn daily points together with gambling
- Games - Gamble away your points with games (or win)
- Fun - Some fun stuff like avatar, cat, dog, joke,…
- Logging - Log stuff like an edited and deleted message or a user who joins or leaves
The bot prefix is -
Use this command first or nothing will work
After the setup, use -help to see all available commands
Show all available commands
Show info about the current server
Open a new ticket
-close <reason>
Close the ticket (can only be used inside a ticket)
-add <@user> <#ticketchannel>
Add a user to a ticket
-remove <@user> <#ticketchannel>
Remove a user from a ticket
Create a transcript of the ticket
Get your daily amount of random points
Check your current balance
-withdraw <amount>
Withdraw points
-deposit <amount>
Deposit points
Rob a person of coins (24h cooldown)
-slots <amount>
Play a game of slots
Play a game of captcha
Play a game of guess the number
Play a game of lucky doors
Play a game of rock paper siscors
Play a game of russian roulette
Show your current level
Show your rank card
Show the top 10 ranking of your server
-avatar <@user>
Show the avatar of yourself or somebody else enlarged
Show a random meme
Show a random cat
Show a random dog
Show a random joke
Show information about yourself or somebody else
-play <artist-song name/YT-URL>
Play a song by name or via YouTube URL
Pause the current song
Resume the last paused song
Skip the current song
Show the queue of songs
Clear the queue of songs
-volume <0-100>
Change the volume of the music for the entire voice channel
Stop all music and disconnect the bot from the voice channel
Admin Commands:
-ban <@user> <reason>
Ban a user
-tempban <@user> <time(1d2h3m4s)> <reason>
Ban a user for a specific amount of time
-kick <@user> <reason>
Kick a user
-tempmute <@user> <time(1d2h3m4s)> <reason>
Mute a user for a specific amount of time
-warn <@user> <reason>
Warn a user
-clear <1-100>
Clear an amount of message
Change the server prefix
(First time only when the bot joins your guild)
change anything you set in the setup command
Reset the xp and levels of the users in your guild