A Powerful Moderation,Fun,Information Bot With 50+ Commands Ratio Commands Are
Fun Commands
,say Say Something Through The Bot! Usage: ,say
,8ball Ask The Bot Something Usage: ,8ball
,afk Go AFK By This Command Usage: ,afk
,gif Searchs Gif On Giphy Usage: ,gif
,weather Shows The Weather Of A Place Usage: ,weather [country]
,owner **Makes Someone Server Owner ** Usage: ,owner <@user>
,hastebin Upload Code To Hastebin Usage: ,hastebin <code/text>
,unicode Gives You The Symbol’s Unicode Usage: ,unicode
,clap Makes A Text With The 👏 Usage: ,calp
,flip Flip A Text Upsidedown Usage: ,flip
,mock Mocks Some Text Usage: ,mock
,search Get The Defintion Of Something Usage: ,urban
,cat Shows A Random Cat Picture Usage: ,cat
,rate Rate Someone Usage: ,rate <@user>
,pepe Shows Pepe Usage: ,pepe
,shrug Shrugs Usage: ,shrug
,lenny Shows Lenny Face Usage: ,lenny
,megusta Shows Megusta Usage: ,megusta
,kill Kill Someone Usage: ,kill [@user]
Modeartion Commands Are
,addrole Gives someone a role Usage: ,addrole <@user>
,kick Kicks a user from the server Usage: ,kick <@user>
,ban Bans a user from the server Usage: ,ban <@user>
,clear Clears the chat Usage: ,clear
Inofrmation Commands Are
,ping Check The Bot Ping Usage: ,ping
,id Gives You The Id Of User Usage: *,id [@user]
,invite Gives You Invite For The Bot Usage: ,invite
,avatar Gives You Someone’s Avatar Usage: ,avatar [@user]
,icon Gives You The Server icon Usage: ,icon
,botinfo Gives The Bot Info Usage: ,botinfo
,stats Gives The Bot Statics Usage: ,stats
,userinfo Gives You The User Info Usage: ,userinfo [@user]
,serverinfo Gives You The Server Info Usage: ,serverinfo
,finduser Finds Ssers With Name Usage: ,finduser