- With over 75,000+ verified Robloxian!
- Easy to use with Web Dashboard
- Detailed user information, asset information, group information and much more.
- A binding system to allow you to bind asset, gamepass and devforum ranks.
- Custom Commands to allow you to create a response.
- Restrict users in your server to a certain age limit.
- Setup a system to log users in your server once they have verified their Discord account with Roblox.
- Auto post new announcements from <a href=“https://devforum.roblox.com/c/public/public-updates-announcements” target="_blank">DevForum Public Announcements.</a>
- Lock your server to members in your group only.
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Account</strong>
addaccount, deleteaccount, discordid, getaccounts, getroles, switchuser, unverify, verify
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Information</strong>
accountage, assetinfo, audiosearch, badge, badgecount, badges, channelinfo, covid19, devforuminfo, discordinfo,
discordsearch, followers, following, friends, gamepassinfo,
groupicon, groupinfo, groupmembercount, groupmembers,
grouproles, ingroup, news, ownasset, robloxavatar,
roleinfo, serverinfo, time, userinfo
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Fun</strong>
8ball, cat, choose, dog, gif, koala, panda, urban
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Miscellaneous</strong>
avatar, birdfacts, catfacts, docs, dogfacts, features, help, info, invite, koalafacts,
membercount, pandafacts, parrotfacts, ping, prefix, premium, randomfact, redeem, roles, statistics,
status, suggest, texttomc, translatemc, uptime, vote
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Music</strong>
loop, nowplaying, pause, play, playlist, remove, replay, resume, skip, skipto, soundcloud, stop, volume
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Binds</strong>
bind, deletebind, massbinds, unbindall, viewallbinds, viewbinds
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Create</strong>
createchannel, createinvite, verifychannel
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Roblox (Premium)</strong>
acceptjoin, botinfo, declinejoin, demote, exile, follow,
groupsummary, joinrequests, post, promote, rank, shout, unfollow
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Support</strong>
adduser, close, removeuser, rename, ticket
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Administration</strong>
announce, customizebot, dynamicroles, embed, message, poll, role, setup, updateroles, verifyall
<strong style=“font-size: 16px”>Settings</strong>
autoverification, nickname, nicknametemplate, resetsettings, settings, welcomemessage
What you will get for Premium?
- Distinguish yourself from other members with a Customer role in our Discord server. Be proud of being a client of RBXBolt. We are one of the top bots in Roblox.
- Customize the avatar and name of the bot (!customizebot)
- More groups allowed to be added to the Group Lock.
- If you enable group shouts from the web dashboard, you will be able to receive updates automatically when your group shout is updated.
- Relay of group audit logs to a Discord channel. Group actions such as ranking, accepting join requests and etc can be logged into a Discord channel.
- Promote or demote your members rank in Roblox by using a command. Example: There are 3 ranks in your group (owner, admin and member). John is admin and you’re the owner. You used the demote command on him. He will be demoted to member.
- Rank your group members from Discord to a specified rank.
- Kick a player out from your group by using a command.
- Update your member roles and name when they chat to ensure you do not have to do it.
- Set Roblox age limit for your Discord server.
- Update everyone’s roles and nickname in your server with one command.
- Unlimited bindings to bind all you want.
- Update your group shout in Roblox from Discord. Useful for those who wants to do it on mobile.
- Send a group wall message to Roblox from Discord.
- Follow or unfollow a Roblox user from Discord with your bot account. This requires cookie to be used. Can be updated from the web dashboard.
- Display a list of join requests which are pending.
- Accept or decline a join request from Discord.
- Member Counter
- Relay message sent to your ROBLOX profile to a Discord Channel.