Reaction Roles Discord Bot Logo

Reaction Roles Discord Bot

Invite Reaction Roles Bot to your server and use its powerful Role commands to manage your server's members. Discord Bot.

1 upvotes in February

Reaction Roles Discord Bot Described:

Gives user roles by letting them react to messages!
Reaction Roles
By TechnicPepijn#0995

Give users roles by letting them react to messages!

How it works?

Use ==newrr to start the setup!
You can choose 3 different reaction styles for your bot!

What is comming?

Currently we are working to upgrade the bot to a new level, we like users be happy with the bot and not to be angry because those setups ARE SO ANNOYING. NO! We like to keep it simple so we are working on a web dashboard for users to create their reaction roles.

What do we do?

This reaction roles bot does the following,

  • Reaction Roles, give users roles when they react at a message
  • Clear Channels, delete all messages posted in a given channel
  • Embeds, generate embeds!
    More to come later! Feel free to suggest features in our support server!
  • [7 may, 2020] - Released bot
  • [21 august, 2020] - Reached 200 servers
  • [26 November, 2020] - Reached 500 servers
  • [15 december, 2020] - Reached 750 servers, 2 days later 800 already!

Hope to see you soon!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Reaction Roles Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Reaction Roles to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Reaction Roles Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ==
Servers: 36.8K
Users: unknown
Created by: Tech#0995