Rem Discord Bot Logo

Rem Discord Bot

Invite Rem Bot to your server and enjoy its Utility, Fun, Actions, Reddit, Animals, and Music commands! Discord Bot.

1 upvotes in September

Rem Discord Bot Described:

This is a multi-tool bot, that comes with Utility, Fun, Actions, Reddit, Animals, and Music commands!

This bot has 122 commands, great moderation, and automation. The best of the best, will add any feature if it’s worth enough. Join our support server to add suggestions!

---- Core commands! ----

r!help, r!ping, r!invite, r!sever, r!vote, r!updates, r!about

---- Utility commands! ----

Basic moderation: r!clear, r!mute, r!unmute, r!kick, r!ban, r!unban, r!warn, r!warns, r!removewarn, r!clearwarns, r!setup-logs, r!changeprefix

Information: r!userinfo, r!serverinfo, r!roleinfo, r!avatar, r!membercount

Anti-Nuke: r!setbypass, r!bypassdel, r!antinuke, r!antiban, r!antikick, r!antichanneldel, r!antichannelcreation, r!antiroledel, r!antirolecreation, r!antibot

Automation: r!autorole, r!autorole-disable, r!autonick, r!autonick-disable, r!setwelcome, r!welcome-disable

Message Management: r!antispam, r!antilink, r!anticuss

Channel: r!createchannel, r!delchannel, r!channelname, r!channeltopic, r!channelnsfw, r!slowmode, r!lock, r!serverlock

Role: r!addrole, r!removerole, r!tempaddrole, r!tempremoverole, r!createrole, r!delrole, r!rolementionable, r!rolecolor, r!rolename, r!role, r!reactions, r!emreaction, r!addreaction, r!removereaction

Nickname: r!nick, r!nickreset, r!nickall, r!nickallreset, r!unhoistnicknames

Other: r!afk, r!afkignore, r!checkafk, r!delafk, r!delallafk, r!ignorechannel, r!ignorechanneldel, r!ignorechanneldelall, r!ignoredchannels

---- Fun commands! ----

r!gay, r!straight, r!iq, r!dice, r!fakesnake, r!bruh, r!say, r!emsay, r!pp, r!rapist, r!funfact, r!rps, r!8ball, r!kill, r!love, r!ship, r!snipe, r!editsnipe, r!urban

---- Actions commands! ----

r!hug, r!kiss, r!slap

---- Reddit commands! ----

r!meme, r!dankmeme, r!cursedcomments, r!blacktwitter

---- Animal commands! ----

r!animal, r!cat, r!dog, r!snake, r!lizard

---- Music commands! ----

r!play, r!skip, r!forceskip, r!pause, r!resume, r!queue, r!now, r!volume, r!stop, r!summon, r!join, r!leave

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Rem Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Rem to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Rem Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: r!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: mrbutter#7441