Logo for Rem

Upvote Rem

This is a multi-tool bot, that comes with Utility, Fun, Actions, Reddit, Animals, and Music commands!

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This bot has 122 commands, great moderation, and automation. The best of the best, will add any feature if it’s worth enough. Join our support server to add suggestions!

---- Core commands! ----

r!help, r!ping, r!invite, r!sever, r!vote, r!updates, r!about

---- Utility commands! ----

Basic moderation: r!clear, r!mute, r!unmute, r!kick, r!ban, r!unban, r!warn, r!warns, r!removewarn, r!clearwarns, r!setup-logs, r!changeprefix

Information: r!userinfo, r!serverinfo, r!roleinfo, r!avatar, r!membercount

Anti-Nuke: r!setbypass, r!bypassdel, r!antinuke, r!antiban, r!antikick, r!antichanneldel, r!antichannelcreation, r!antiroledel, r!antirolecreation, r!antibot

Automation: r!autorole, r!autorole-disable, r!autonick, r!autonick-disable, r!setwelcome, r!welcome-disable

Message Management: r!antispam, r!antilink, r!anticuss

Channel: r!createchannel, r!delchannel, r!channelname, r!channeltopic, r!channelnsfw, r!slowmode, r!lock, r!serverlock

Role: r!addrole, r!removerole, r!tempaddrole, r!tempremoverole, r!createrole, r!delrole, r!rolementionable, r!rolecolor, r!rolename, r!role, r!reactions, r!emreaction, r!addreaction, r!removereaction

Nickname: r!nick, r!nickreset, r!nickall, r!nickallreset, r!unhoistnicknames

Other: r!afk, r!afkignore, r!checkafk, r!delafk, r!delallafk, r!ignorechannel, r!ignorechanneldel, r!ignorechanneldelall, r!ignoredchannels

---- Fun commands! ----

r!gay, r!straight, r!iq, r!dice, r!fakesnake, r!bruh, r!say, r!emsay, r!pp, r!rapist, r!funfact, r!rps, r!8ball, r!kill, r!love, r!ship, r!snipe, r!editsnipe, r!urban

---- Actions commands! ----

r!hug, r!kiss, r!slap

---- Reddit commands! ----

r!meme, r!dankmeme, r!cursedcomments, r!blacktwitter

---- Animal commands! ----

r!animal, r!cat, r!dog, r!snake, r!lizard

---- Music commands! ----

r!play, r!skip, r!forceskip, r!pause, r!resume, r!queue, r!now, r!volume, r!stop, r!summon, r!join, r!leave

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.