RetsuBot Discord Bot Logo

RetsuBot Discord Bot

Full RetsuBot Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Roleplay commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

RetsuBot Discord Bot Described:

A bot that saves characters and OCs to be viewed later to help organize roleplay and stories!
Hi! I’m Retsu!

I’m an automated assistant for artists, writers, and fans alike! My job is to learn about YOUR ideas and Original Characters, so I can file them away and tell you or someone else about them at a later date! We can also have some fun while we’re here!.

I’m always being updated, and new features will be created!

Here are my available commands! (As of 2/1/21)

Admin Commands
  • enable: Enables a command or command group
  • disable: Disables a command or command group
  • artchannel: Sets the art channel for a server
  • unknown: Let’s you tell me what to do when you make a typo
Utility Commands
  • help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command
  • prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix
  • support: Sends invite to my support server
Character Commands
  • characterage: Lets you set an age for a character
  • charactercolor: Lets you set a color for a character
  • charactercreate: Creates a character
  • characterdelete: Deletes a character
  • characterdescription: Sets a character’s description
  • charactericon: Sets a character’s icon
  • characterlist: Displays every character a user owns!
  • charactername: Changes a character’s name
  • characterprofile: Displays info about a specific character
  • characteruniverse: Sets the universe of a specific character
Economy Commands
  • balance: Displays how much money you have
  • daily: Collects your money for the day
Fun Commands
  • add: Adds two numbers together
  • roll: Rolls any number of dice
  • showme: Searches for an image and sends a random result
Miscellaneous Commands
  • private: Sets your profile to private
  • profile: Lets you see the profile of yourself or another user
  • profiledescription: Lets you set a description for your profile

More Content Coming Soon! Come Make a Request!

Feel free to add my owner to ask questions!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add RetsuBot Discord Bot to my server?

You can add RetsuBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add RetsuBot Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: -
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Garmadon Prime#0935