USER COMMANDS: hello - Says Hello Back
about - Bot Introduces Itself
youtube - Browses YouTube
google - Browses Google
RPS start - Starts A Rock Paper Scissor Game
avatar - Shows the avatar of the mentioned user
serverinfo - Gives Information About Server
meme - Shows Random Memes
battle - Plays a fun battle game
freenitro - Pranks A User in the name of free nitro xD
casino - Plays a Casino Game
newticket - Plays The Role Of ModMail by creating new channel for contacting staff.
say - says a message on your behalf in the channel with your avatar and name embedded.
announce - The bot announces the message in that particular channel without embedding your name or avatar.
wyr - Plays a fun ‘would you rather’ game.
emoji - Replies with a random emoji.
hack - Pranks the mentioned user in the name of hacking.
lovecheck - Checks the love level between you and the mentioned user.
invite - Gives the invitation link for the bot.
userinfo - Gives information about the mentioned user.
parentserver - Gives a link for the bot’s parent server.
founderinfo - Gives Information About the developer of the bot. setmyserver - (For new servers) The bot customizes your whole server with new channels and roles. You can’t undo once used this command.
recentupdate - Shows the latest features added
Don’t forget to use the prefix (rex) before each command!
pokemon - Random Pokemon Battles Between bot and the user!
dadjoke - Generates random father and children jokes.
spawnpokemon - Spawns a Random Pokemon
tti - Converts your text (upto 8 words) into an image with custom font. Over 30 customized fonts available.
stats - Shows Bot’s stats and Information like website, support server, guilds count , etc.
8ball - Ask bots questions about the future and it will make predictions!
weather - Check weather of any city if you are too lazy to search for it XD
afk - Incase you’re AFK, bot will set it and if anyone will ping you in that particular server, bot will inform the user that you’re AFK with the reason.
stopafk - Use this command to disable AFK.
kick - Kicks The Mentioned User
ban - Bans The Mentioned User
unban - Unban a banned user by typing his user ID next to this command.
mute - Mutes The Mentioned User. Make sure you have a role with the exact name “Muted” (First alphabet to be in cap) which is above the member role and below the bot’s role for this command to function.
unmute - Unmutes the mentioned user
purge - clears the amount of messages entered in the particular channel.
warn - Warns The Mentioned User In His DM.
role - Gives the tagged role to the Mentioned User.
changenickname - Changes the nickname of the mentioned member.
deletechannel <channel name without #>- Deletes the named channel.
channel lock - Locks the channel in which command is executed such that only admins can send messages.
channel unlock - Unlocks a channel which is locked.
For user commands, type rex!help .
For economy commands, type rex!economyhelp .
work - Work as random professions and earn money.
crime - Rob stores and companies to earn money.
leaderboard - Shows the richest users of the server.
give - Only for admins, this feature gives an amount of money to the mentioned user.
remove - Same as give, but this time it takes money instead of giving.
bal - Check your balance by using this command. You can also check the balance of a user by mentioning him next to this command.
daily - Get a daily reward money.
shop - Spend the money you have earned by buying items from this shop!
inventory - To get a list of items that you have purchased from the shop.
weekly - Same as daily, but this command can be used only once a week with higher range than that of daily!
rob - Rob the mentioned user.
cases - Cases are some mystery boxes that you can purchase and open. On opening they give you a random amount of money.
pay - Pay a certain amount of money to any user in the server.