= Help Menu =
Welcome to the page for Rilakkuma on Bots For Discord!
Welcome to the help menu for Rilakkuma! Rilakkuma is a bot for cute economy and keeping the chat alive!
If you need help on a command, say the command and then help! Ex. ping help
help, invite, website, contact, botinfo, support, servers
✎ Utilityping, suggest {suggestion(s)}, feedback {feedback}, nickname {emoji} | {name}, embed (do r.embed help for more details)
✎ Keep Chat Alivetopic, wyr, activity, inspire, cuteness, meme
✎ EconomyTip: using Keep Chat Alive commands give you money!
leaderboard, profile, shop, buy {item}, sell {item}, balance, titles, bake, gimme, give {user}, coinflip {amount}, reset, goose (command set)
Make sure to mention a user while using the command! Ex. hug @ExampleUser
hug, slap, pat, bite
happy, angry, upset, disgust
✎ Funship @user, 8ball, pray (someone/something), say (text), mediabio, [text, settext]
And that’s it! Hope you enjoy using Rila!
Bot created by Moon Dust ♡