RJ Bot Discord Bot Logo

RJ Discord Bot

Invite RJ Bot to your server and explore its amazing Stock Market, MTG, Weather, Jokes, Pokedex, Soundboard and more! Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in September

RJ Discord Bot Described:

A multi use bot that has stock market simulator, MTG, weather, jokes, pokedex, soundboard, global chat, weather, notepad,and many more!

This is the documentation for the discord bot known as RJ BOT! NOT FULL DOCUMENTATION! DO RJ HELP IN YOUR SERVER FOR THE REST OF THE COMMANDS

#You can go up to 15k in debt
rj stockprice (symbol) #Get the stock price of a company
rj invest (symbol) #Invest in company
rj sell (symbol) #Sell a stock
rj bankruptcy #Declare bankruptcy
rj richest #See the richest stock market tycoons

rj pokedex (pokemon name) #Pokedex!
rj mcname (mc username) #Finds past usernames of minecraft player
rj morse encode/decode (text) #duh
rj urbandictionary (word/phrase) #Define word
rj chatbot (message) #chatbot if u have no friends
rj joke #gives you a joke
rj cconvert (currency1) (currency2)#must be 3 letter code of 2 currencies, like GBP USD
rj weather (cityname) #Gives you the weather of a city
rj roast #Gives you a roast
rj mcstat (mc server ip) #find’s the status of a minecraft server

rj mtg (card) #Gives basic info on card
rj randomcard #Gives a random card
rj legal (card) #Says how legal the card is (in each format)
rj cost (card) #Tells you the cost of the card

Here are the notebook commands
rj addnote (note) #Adds a note
rj notes #lists your notes
rj delnote (number) #deletes a note
rj startnote #allows you to start making notes

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add RJ Discord Bot to my server?

You can add RJ to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add RJ Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: rj
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Andromeda#7911