RobNot is a discord bot that focuses on Moderation, Music and Fun Commands. We have API integrated commands, such as a Minecraft name history command that we think you would like. We’re a generally new bot but already we have a good amount of commands. We plan on making our bot as customizable as possible so if you have any suggestions for us to add, please join our support server and give us some suggestions.
Our commands are as follows (1st of June)Music
/queue - Views the music queue
/skip - Votes to skip the current song
/disconnect - Disconnects the bot from VC
/volume - Changes the volume of the Music
/connect - Connects to VC
/play - Plays a song
/loop - Loops a song
/pause - Pauses a song
/resume - Resumes a song
/botinfo - Views information regarding the bot
/uptime - Views the bot uptime
/namehistory - Uses the Mojang API to view the name changes of a Minecraft User
/links - View invite links and the link to our support server
/help - Views a list of commands
/avatar - Views a users avatar
/userinfo - Outputs general information regarding a user of your choice
/tfstatus - Views the Minecraft Server Information of TotalFreedomMC (we’re planning on making the server interchangeable with arguments)
/say - Makes the bot say whatever you like (@everyone & @here doesn’t work)
/wilee - View quotes from Wilee
/ron - View quotes from Ron
/ajax - View quotes from ajax
/activity - Changes the bot’s activity
/ban - Bans the user
/kick - Kicks the user
(we will be expanding upon this exponentially)
/shutdown - Shuts down the bot
/eval - Runs a terminal command