Santa Bot will jingle your bells with Christmas fun for your servers! More than 1200 servers love the seasonal themes!
Santa is ready for the season! Have you been naughty or nice? Get ready to get all the presents that fall from Santa’s sleigh.
Sanga Bot is capable of running a game on your server to see who are the fastest ones getting presents that randomly appear.
What comes with it?
Channel Set-Up: You’ll have to set up a channel where the presents are going to appear.
Make presents drop: You can make presents appear if they’re taking too long to show. (Non-premium users would have to manually drop presents)
Leaderboard: It contains its very own Leaderboard to see who is winning and how is everyone doing on your server.
Help command: It shows you the available commands.
Reports: Each member can view how many points they have without seeing the leaderboard.
Info commands: See all the info about the bot. And more features will be added.
Fun commands: Get jokes, memes and more!
Get ready to have some Holly Jolly fun in your server!
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