Security Discord Bot Logo

Security Discord Bot

Invite Security Bot to your server and get anti raid security commands. Secure your server with the help of the Security Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in October

Security Discord Bot Described:

Anti raid server security bot that grants a role to speak in the server when an authenticated user presses the button!
Security FAQ
Slash Commands Only!

[Privacy Policy]:

Global Commands
Commands Information
/bot Bot information.
/bug Submit a bug report.
/help Self explanatory.
/policy End-User Privacy Policy.
/suggest Submit a suggestion for the bot.
/toggle Toggle server slash commands.

Server Commands
Commands Information
/announce Send an announcement to a channel using the bot.
/ban Ban a user from the server. User doesn’t need to be in the server.
/blacklist Blacklist a user from using my commands
/edit-announce Edit an existing announcement sent using /announce.
/kick Kick a user from the server.
/purge Deletes messages from the channel
/response Alters how the bot responds to commands
/server Returns information about the server
/steal Adds a custom emoji from any server, to yours. Best for Nitro users!
/task User Task Manager
/unban Unban a user from the server Must use UserID.
/verify The verification manager
/whois Returns information on a server member

NOTE: For verification to work properly:
  • 1: The @everyone role must have ZERO permissions by default
  • 2: The verification role must have the permissions to speak.
  • (Be sure to allow viewing access to the verification channel by default so they can verify themselves!)

Currently adding more features but as of right now its main purpose is security and role verification via button.
Security makes it a lot harder for raiders and malicious attackers to accomplish their harmful goals of ransacking and destroying your server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Security Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Security to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Security Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: / (Slash Only)
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Speshul#2695